การวิเคราะห์อากาศพลศาสตร์ เสถียรภาพและการควบคุม ของอากาศยานไร้คนขับขนาดเล็ก Sky Surfer X

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เจนวิทย์ คำพูล


Aircraft performance enhancement, e.g. operations time, can be done by either redesign or minor adjustment from the previous design. The complicated and time consuming processes need to be dealt with. Aerodynamics, stability and control analysis are of the important part of aircraft design process. This paper presents the prediction of aerodynamics, stability and control characteristics of the Sky Surfer X which is a small UAV flying at low speed regime with the angle of attack from -4 to 26 degree and neglecting the propulsive unit from electric motor and propeller, by utilizing DATCOM/DATCOM+, XFLR5 and Scilab. The results show that the fundamental aerodynamics of the Sky Surfer X fulfills the requirement and has positive static longitudinal stability. In addition, it has positive dynamic stability in Short period, Dutch roll, Roll and Spiral modes. However, the next step is to verify the results with other methods and perform flight testing for more accurate results.

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How to Cite
คำพูล เ., “การวิเคราะห์อากาศพลศาสตร์ เสถียรภาพและการควบคุม ของอากาศยานไร้คนขับขนาดเล็ก Sky Surfer X”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 25–33, Jan. 2018.
Research Articles


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