Aerodynamic Analysis of Supersonic 2.75 inch Fin-Stabilized Rocket using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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วันชัย เจียจันทร์
นุกูล สุขุประการ


This paper presented the study and analyze the aerodynamics of supersonic 2.75 inch fin-stabilized rocket using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Understanding the aerodynamics of this rocket is the key for enhancing the aerodynamic performance which providing a longer range. The study shown that good agreement can be observed between CFD (SST K- ω turbulent model) calculations and previous experiment. They are within engineering accuracy (10% Difference). From the aerodynamic analysis over this body, it is found that the drag coefficient is mainly from two different components: Warhead pressure drag and wrapped around fins pressure drag (Mainly Due to the Compression Shock Wave). They are about 35% and 27% for Warhead and fins pressure drag, respectively. In addition, it is also found that the base pressure drag due to the rapid expansion waves and recirculation flow is approximately 24 %.

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How to Cite
เจียจันทร์ ว. and สุขุประการ น., “Aerodynamic Analysis of Supersonic 2.75 inch Fin-Stabilized Rocket using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 34–44, Jul. 2018.
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