A Brief Review of Fuzzy Aggregation

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Tossapon Boongoen


The concept and applications of fuzzy aggregation have been witnessed over the past decades, spanning from system control, decision-making as well as machine learning. Even now, the theoretical development of several models like OWA still continues, with further exploitation in many new problem domains. Given this insight, it is important to provide a review of landscape for fuzzy aggregation, with respect to both types and future challenges. The paper is to be useful for those who are interested in this subject in general, and others that are keen to employ a fuzzy aggregator in their research studies.

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T. Boongoen, “A Brief Review of Fuzzy Aggregation”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 59–66, Aug. 2018.
Academic Articles


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