Increasing The Packaging Efficiency for Transport by Lean Concepts : A Case Study of Yogurt Manufacturing Company

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อุไรวรรณ วรรณศิริ


This paper proposes the method to increase the packaging efficiency for transportation using lean concepts: It focuses on the case study of yogurt manufacturing company. The problem tackled by this method arises from shrink paper tray packaging, which causes product’s damage as they are put in cold storage. This research aims: 1. to study the processes and the impact of paper tray packaging for the transport of yogurt products and 2. to model efficient solution for the packaging of transporter products. The research consists of studying the effects of paper tray packaging to transport, collecting data, analyzing of the cause of the problem by adopting Lean concepts to apply with the eight types of waste technique to solve the problem by changing the packaging. The study indicated that changing the packaging from paper tray to the shrink film is helpful for transport. The shrink film packaging minimizes the damage of yogurt products 100 percent as this can protect the whole product kept in the cold storage without affecting to packaging for transport. It also helps to increase the area of the enclosure to put more products and to decrease the time for organizing the products; as a result, it increases the transport efficiency.

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How to Cite
วรรณศิริ อ., “Increasing The Packaging Efficiency for Transport by Lean Concepts : A Case Study of Yogurt Manufacturing Company”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 90–99, Aug. 2018.
Research Articles


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