Cost-effectiveness analysis of infectious wastes between using autoclave technology or export methods

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ธนินท์รัฐ สิทธิเวชธนาศิริ
ปัญญารักษ์ โกศัลวัฒน์
ชณิชา หมอยาดี


The purpose of this research was to analyze the cost of disposal of infectious wastes between using in-house autoclave technology or outsourcing services: a case study of Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, The Royal Thai Air Force. The study indicated that the total cost of infectious wastes through the autoclave technology, in case of 5 baht/kg fee, was 5,816,779.60 baht (25.29 baht/kg on average); while in case of 13 baht/kg fee, the total cost was 5,908,757.20 baht (25.69 baht/kg on average). On the other hand, the total cost of infectious wastes removal using outsourcing method, in case of 5 baht/kg fee, was 2,931,320 baht (12.75 baht/kg on average), whereas the total cost, in case of fee 13 baht/kg, was 4,770,872 baht (20.74 baht/kg on average). As a result of this study, in order to minimize cost, outsourcing services should be taken into account rather than autoclave technology for eliminating infectious wastes. The study results can support resource allocation management as well as decision making of implementing an approach for hospital wastes management.

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How to Cite
สิทธิเวชธนาศิริ ธ., โกศัลวัฒน์ ป., and หมอยาดี ช., “Cost-effectiveness analysis of infectious wastes between using autoclave technology or export methods”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 19–29, Dec. 2019.
Research Articles


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