Behavior Analysis and Information System Requirement and Database for Buying Data Storage of Beverage Can and Plastic Bottle

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วนษา สินจังหรีด
สุระเจตน์ อ่อนฤทธิ์
เอกรินทร์ วทัญญูเลิศสกุล


This research has three objectives. The first objective is to study people’s consumption behaviors toward canned beverages and those in plastic bottles. The second objective is to study waste segregation behaviors toward canned and plastic-bottled beverages. The third objective is to design an information system and purchase database for the same types of beverages. There are 29 people in the target group and they include technology experts teachers and students of Bang Nong Bua Daeng School as well as the village chief and people of the Ban Kham Nang Ruai community. Data was collected from questionnaires distributed using traditional means as well as online channels. The results of this research showed that while both groups of people from the educational institution and community have high consumption rates for canned and plastic-bottled beverages per week, they do not practice waste segregation. In line with these results, they agreed to having an information system and purchase database designed which will not just monitor the consumption of canned and plastic-bottled beverages, but also properly manage the waste that is produced from the said consumption. The ones who evaluated the design of the information system and purchase database for canned and plastic-bottled beverages expressed their high overall satisfaction after their thorough consideration of each variable.

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How to Cite
สินจังหรีด ว., อ่อนฤทธิ์ ส., and วทัญญูเลิศสกุล เ., “Behavior Analysis and Information System Requirement and Database for Buying Data Storage of Beverage Can and Plastic Bottle”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 88–98, Dec. 2019.
Research Articles


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