Precision Enhancement of The Geo-location Programming from Small Quad-Rotor UAV Using Laser Range Finder

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จีรศักดิ์ หมวดโพธิ์กลาง


This paper presents a method for increate accuracy of the GPS location of a ground-based object imaged by a quadrotor UAV. Using the pixel location of the target in the image, with measurements of quadrotor position and attitude, and camera pose angles, the target is localized in world coordinates. The main contribution of this paper is to present techniques for reducing the localization error. The localization method has been implemented and tested on a quadrotor UAV and experimental results are presented demonstrating the localization of a target within 10 meters of its known GPS location.

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How to Cite
หมวดโพธิ์กลาง จ., “Precision Enhancement of The Geo-location Programming from Small Quad-Rotor UAV Using Laser Range Finder”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 82–91, Sep. 2020.
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