The Computer Simulation to assess the performance of the indoor lighting system.

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Asoke Shithongtum


This research presented the virtual simulated images for the building’s interior illumination by using Dialux 4.12 as a simulation software. The research objective was to evaluate illumination system’s performance inside the building by comparing of luminance, average illuminance uniformity and, light power density in 2 sample areas with different illuminance distribution from 2 types of lamp. Area number 1 installed 9 sets of lamp size 30 cm width and 120 cm length. Area number 2 installed 20 sets of lamp size 60 cm width and 120 cm length. The research result revealed that illuminance and light power density value in both areas were higher than standard criteria. However, only in the area number 2 which the average illuminance uniformity value was conformed with the standard. Therefore, researcher suggested the guideline for increasing illumination system performance from the result of the virtual simulated images in the area number 2 only. The performance improvement guideline is to decrease the exceeding value of illuminance and light power density which can be done by reducing 50% of lamp sets and maintaining the average illuminance uniformity value not less than 0.40 which result in reduction of energy consumption for illumination system 50% or from 129,800 watt per hour to 64,900 watt per hour. The result of the study can be summarized that using the virtual simulated images technique for conceptual design and improvement in illumination engineering is one of good alternates for increasing the energy consumption.

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How to Cite
A. Shithongtum, “The Computer Simulation to assess the performance of the indoor lighting system”., NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 47–59, Jun. 2021.
Research Articles


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