Geo-Informatics and Communications via Cellular Networks in Aircraft Tracking for Search and Rescue: An Application
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Obscuring terrain is indeed disadvantageous to low-altitude aircraft detection with radars, because of which the exact position of aircraft in case of lost contact at low altitude or accidents cannot be determined. Search and rescue teams must therefore unnecessarily operate in wide areas. Too much time is then unavoidably spent, which could lead to unexpected casualties occasionally. Thus, while being deployed in mission areas, military aircraft should be tracked continuously.
For this reason, we propose an application of Geo-Informatics for tracking RTAF’s aircraft. As the result, while flying at lower than 2,500 ft altitude above ground, geographic information can be relayed from the GPS tracker and stored from the start to the end of each sortie. In addition, positions and route history can always be displayed in Geographic Information System (GIS). RTAF’s Command and Control System hence could be more competent at not only tracking RTAF’s aircraft but also detection for search and rescue missions, which would lead to situation awareness of all personnel in War Room and help make decisions and handle situations in time.
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