QR Code Steganography for Communication in Royal Airforce: An Application
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A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a 2D square barcode that is a result from conversion of text into an image format, which can be quickly and easily accessed via mobile devices. They can be used as a substitute for transmitting complex and difficult-to-remember information, so QR codes are popular today for communicating and exchanging information. However, if QR codes are used carelessly, they can cause damage to organization or breach of privacy. Therefore, the researcher has developed a system for concealing the QR Code in an image by using the Least Significant Bit (LSB) pixel value masking technique in order to increase the efficiency of communication with QR Code safely and reliable. The result is that the image after QR code “camouflage” is so similar to original image that it is difficult to be distinguished by human eyes. It can be used for communication and information exchange securely in the network.
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