The Study and Compare the Power and Break-even Point of Electricity Generation from Solar Panels

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Narade Sirivarawuth
Pramote Suksirisak


In the present, our world consumes a higher amount of electricity every year. To save electricity, humans therefore find alternative sources of energy for renewable energy to reduce the use of electricity. One of the popular alternatives is solar energy as it is a clean energy that does not pollute the environment. The researchers therefore conducted a study that found that when the solar panel works for a long time, it generates heat which causes its efficiency to decrease. Therefore, researchers designed a cooling system for solar panels. The test used a 330 watt solar panel consisting of 3 types: normal, air-cooled, and water-cooled. It was found that air-cooled solar panels produced the highest average power output at 1.43 units per day, followed by water-cooled and conventional systems at 1.41 and 1.33 units per day, respectively. If considering the normal power generation of solar panels as criteria, it was found that air cooling can increase power generation by 7.52%, and water cooling can increase power generation by 6.02%. Break-even point calculations show that conventional solar panels pay back faster. The best at 4.57 years, followed by a solar panel with a water cooling system and air cooling system at 4.60 years and 6.02 years, respectively.

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How to Cite
N. Sirivarawuth and P. Suksirisak, “The Study and Compare the Power and Break-even Point of Electricity Generation from Solar Panels”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 38–49, Jun. 2022.
Research Articles


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