Near Real Time Wildfire Monitoring using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Amphoe Pai, Mae Hong Son Province
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The objective of the study was the guideline of the application of Google Earth Engine (GEE) for monitoring and analysis of wildfire by using satellite imagery of Terra/Aqua in the system of MODIS from database of the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The present study focused on the presentation of using GEE platform for the assessment and display the amount and cumulative count of hotspots in near real-time and automatic. In addition, it can determine the area of interesting (AOI) and time series. The results of the study presented the most of hotspot areas. It is useful for monitoring and planning of the protection of wildfire. In this study, the accuracy assessment was done by comparing with the locations of wildfire in year 2020 in Amphoe Pai, Mae Hong Son province as a case study. The study indicated that the values of total accuracy were 76.19% and the Kappa coefficient of correlation were 0.78. It means the results in good level. As a result, the application of GEE platform for monitoring wildfire in near real-time and automatic can be used as an efficient tool for monitoring the risk area of wildfire.
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