Scheduling Management System: A Case Study of department of Computer NKRAFA

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Panida Kaewchanid
ภูมินันท์ บัวงาม


The department of Computer Science belong to Science Faculty of Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy (NKRAFA) has a main mission to improve students in both theoretical and practical skills. For each enrolled subject, the computer science students have laboratory for practicing. Therefore, special instructors are needed for supporting the students in each subject. The problem of selecting a set of appropriate special instructor and scheduling a right person in a right timeslot are challenging. Since the problem is large, complex and consumed time when solved by manual. Even there are many techniques have been proposed such as Tabu search, Genetic Algorithm, Constraint Based Approach. This research proposes a combined technique between Constraint Based Approach, Cluster method and Earliest Deadline First for timetabling special instructor problem. The implemented system works like a web-based application. Case study of the department of Computer Science, Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy (NKRAFA)

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How to Cite
Kaewchanid, P., & ภูมินันท์ บัวงาม. (2023). Scheduling Management System: A Case Study of department of Computer NKRAFA. NKRAFA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 19(1), 14–29. Retrieved from
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