Automatic Classification and Tracking of Surface Ships

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Pisanu Kumeechai


In surface-based autonomous driving technology, cameras are essential for routing and object detection. to avoid obstacles or avoid boat collisions. The important thing is to track known ship movements. In this paper, the Thai maritime data set is used. and data visualization for the training model. Next, object recognition is presented using the AlexNet method by simulating and evaluating its performance in different maritime environments. It then proposes a tracking algorithm to track specific objects, especially in high-motion video evaluations. The experimental results show that the tracking algorithm outperforms online and real-time tracking in terms of object tracking accuracy.

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How to Cite
P. Kumeechai, “Automatic Classification and Tracking of Surface Ships”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 9–22, Dec. 2023.
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