Concrete of low cost mixed with used EPS foam replaced some fine aggregate for construction
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The purpose of this research is to study the efficiency of concrete of low cost that mixed with used ESP foam replaced some fine aggregate for construction, comparing with typical concrete and assessment for cost of concrete mixed with used ESP foam. The testing of compressive strength compared with typical concrete and concrete which mixed with EPS foam in rate of 0.03%, 0.05%, 0.07%, 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% by weight of fine aggregates and the curing age of 7,14 and 28 days. The results have shown that increased EPS foam the lower the strength compare to typical concrete. The proper percentage of EPS foam is no more than 0.1 % by weight, average strength of 220 kg/cm2 and average density of concrete is 1%-3% lower than density of typical concrete. The cost of concrete is around 2,001 baths per cubic meter which is 2% lower than typical concrete.
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