Research and Development of Satellite Engineering Model to Analyze the Attitude Determination and Control System

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Itti Yuthayanon
Kanok Tongsawang


The objectives of the research and development of satellite engineering model to analyze the attitude determination and control system are to study the relevant knowledge in the construction of a 3U satellite engineering model consisting of the structure of the satellite engineering model, command and data handling system (CDHS), electrical power system (EPS) and attitude determination and control system (ADCS). The system interoperability is designed and built into a satellite engineering model focusing on the analysis of the satellite's attitude determination and control system by considering the installation of 3 EA Magnetorquer devices and 1 EA Reaction Wheel. The results of this research resulted in the knowledge of satellite engineering model design and a 3U satellite engineering model, which includes a feature subsystem of design along with being able to pass interoperability testing, Hardware in the Loop testing developed and built a computational program for the analysis of the attitude determination and control system and testing under real environment simulation with Helmholtz Cage that can contribute study findings to future knowledge development and expansion.

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How to Cite
Yuthayanon, I., & Tongsawang, K. (2024). Research and Development of Satellite Engineering Model to Analyze the Attitude Determination and Control System. NKRAFA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 20(1), 59–72. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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