Calculation the Equation of Spring Collapse Distance as a Function of Time via External Force Squared Sine Function in Simple Harmonic Motion

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Artit Hutem
Jetsadaporn Pakamwang
Kan Khoomsab


This research aims to calculate the equation of spring collapse distance as a function of time.  In a system of objects, mass  equation  moves with an external force equation  against the end of a spring attached to mass equation .  In this research, Newton's second law of motion is used to write the equations of motion of this system. We use the mathematics of nonhomogeneous second-order differential equations to calculate the equation of displacement of the spring as a function of time and to calculate the equation of displacement between mass equation and mass equation when the two objects collide at the intermediate spring. The result of the calculation of the spring compression distance will have a decrease in the number of ripples when the spring constant increases.

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How to Cite
A. Hutem, J. Pakamwang, and K. . Khoomsab, “Calculation the Equation of Spring Collapse Distance as a Function of Time via External Force Squared Sine Function in Simple Harmonic Motion”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 9–23, Jan. 2025.
Research Articles


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