About the Journal
About the Journal
Progress in Applied Science and Technology (PAST), abbreviation name: Prog Appl Sci Tech; formerly known as “Science and Technology RMUTT Journal” (2011- Vo.10 No.1 January-June 2020), is to disseminate knowledge and research in science and technology and to promote research to benefit society.
ISSN (Online): 2730-3020
Start year: 2011
Language: English (since Vol.10 No.2, 2020)
Publication fee: Free of charge
Issues per year: 3 Issues
- 1st issue: January-April
- 2nd issue: May-August
- 3rd issue: September-December
Index in: Thai Citation Index Center (TCI) Tier 3
Aims and scope
The journal is an open-access journal that provides a forum for publishing peer-reviewed, double-blinded and English language articles dedicated entirely to new scientific concepts to the technology, innovation, processing, methodology, and applications covering the main fields as follows.
- Biology and Bioresource technology
- Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Physics and Applied Physics
- Information and Communications Technology
- Mathematics and Applied Statistics
- Food Science and Technology Management.
The journal has utilized Turnitin Program for all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism to maintain the published article quality. At least two reviewers evaluate manuscripts submitted to the journal for the overall quality and accuracy of the science presented.
Article type: research articles and review articles
Peer-Review Process:
The peer-review process can be broadly summarized into 5 steps, although these steps can vary slightly between journals.
1. Submission of Paper
The corresponding or submitting author submits the article to the journal via an online system.
2. Evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC)
The EIC checks that the paper is appropriate for the journal and is sufficiently original and interesting. If not, the paper may be rejected without being reviewed any further. The EIC assigned the appropriate section editor (SE), who handled the peer review if the article met the journal requirement.
3. Invitation to Reviewers
The SE sends invitations to appropriate reviewers. As responses are received, further invitations are made, if needed, until the necessary number of acceptances is obtained – commonly, at least 2.
4. Review is Conducted
The reviewer sets a time to read the article. The review has then submitted a recommendation to accept or reject it or a request for revision before it is reconsidered.
5. Journal Evaluates the Reviews
The SE considers all the returned reviews before making an overall decision. If the reviews differ widely, SE may invite another reviewer to get a different opinion before deciding.
After the decision, the possible steps will be processed as a following.
- If accepted, the paper is sent to production.
- If the article is rejectedor sent back for major or minor revision, the SE should include constructive comments from the reviewers to help the author improve the article. Moreover, reviewers should also be sent an email or letter to let them know the outcome of their review. The reviewers should receive a new version of the paper sent back for revision. However, the SE might do this follow-up review where only minor changes were requested.
Open Access Policy:
Others can access all articles free of charge, and making research freely accessible to the public encourages a further global knowledge exchange. The readers can download and share all published articles with others as long as the articles are credited. However, they cannot use them commercially, including do not any change. This is classified as Attribution-Non-commercial-No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) for the creative commons license.