Screening of Halophilic Bacteria and Product Characteristic from Salty-Fermented Fish (Pla-ra)

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Chuenjit Chancharoonpong
Nahathai Palagool


Salty-fermented fish, Pla-ra or Pa-daek is known in Thailand and Lao, respectively, and recognized as seasoning for traditional food. However, production of Pla-ra is often produced in small and medium scale manufacturing for local consumption and also distribution. The aims of this study was to isolate halophilic bacteria and study product characteristic from Pla-ra obtained from different areas (Mukdahan, Nakhon Phanom, Sakon Nakhon of Thailand, and Savannakhet of Laos) and identify character of products. Pla-ra contained pH values at 4.93 - 6.91, 1.32 - 1.98 % acidity, 16.3 - 30.8 Brix of total soluble solid, and 24.86 - 33.58% sodium chloride. There were 40 isolates of halophilic bacteria, and most of them could grow in culture medium containing 20-25% sodium chloride. However, most of strains that showed high proteolytic activity did not show acid production. The sample contained low sodium chloride showed high acidity, low pH, and short fermentation period. Although the result showed that proteolytic and halophilic bacteria play an important role on Pla-ra production, flavor and consumer preference of product are vary from place to place, ingredients, and raw materials. To preserve the diversity of regional food culture, study of bacterial community affecting on flavor and product preference is also need to be conducted to identify quality of Pla-ra production in different areas.

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How to Cite
Chancharoonpong C, Palagool N. Screening of Halophilic Bacteria and Product Characteristic from Salty-Fermented Fish (Pla-ra). Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];10(1):269-76. available from:
Biology and Bioresource technology


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