Differences in nutrition Status and Academic Performance between Male and Female Undergraduate Food and Nutrition Students

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Teerapap Panklai
Schmuck Srangsriwong
Minatsu Kobayashi


This survey research aims to investigate the differences between nutritional status and academic performance between male and female undergraduate food and nutrition students. Two hundred and forty-six students were collected from the Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. Nutritional assessment was determined by body composition, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, hemoglobin (HGB), blood vessel width (%), venous oxygenation index and finger surface temperature. Academic performance was recorded from the final examination results in two subjects including Diet Therapy and Human Nutrition. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, and Pearson's correlation analysis. The results showed that males had a significantly higher than females in height, body weight, body mass index, muscle mass, systolic blood pressure (SBP), hemoglobin and blood vessel width (%). Females had significantly higher than males in all the academic score. Hemoglobin was found to be correlated significantly with academic performance but weight and body mass index were found to be correlated significantly with only Human Nutrition. This study showed that females performed better academically than males and had body weight and body mass index lower than males in undergraduate food and nutrition students.

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How to Cite
Panklai T, Srangsriwong S, Kobayashi M. Differences in nutrition Status and Academic Performance between Male and Female Undergraduate Food and Nutrition Students. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];10(1):292-301. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/242769
Biology and Bioresource technology


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