Educating terminal velocity in event of free falling of shuttlecock in three meter of height by using smart phone

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กฤษกร บุญประเสริฐ
ผกามาศ สุขเมือง
พงษ์แก้ว อุดมสมุทรหิรัญ


The objective of this research aims to educate physics quantity and consists of terminal velocity, drag force and drag coefficient of air by construct and develop the free falling of badminton shuttlecock activity in limit of length less than three meter by using smart phone. Experimental solutions have three process, to begin with design and improve experiment by find the least length for free falling and also show terminal velocity in graph. Secondly, try to modify the commercial shuttlecock 10 models by decrease mass and cut off feather to have more air resistance for educated the effect of free fall in 2.8 meter of high. Lastly, analyze the motion in theory and experiment due to air resistance force relate with velocity 2 models including linear equation and quadratic equation and bring the data for numerical analyzed to obtain distance time in the motion and terminal velocity and use relation of air to computed to obtain drag force and drag coefficient.

Experimental results show some of shuttlecock have the terminal velocity by 2.8 meter free falling. Measure physical data of shuttlecock including mass, diameter and front area. The best condition is in the shuttlecock number 3 that have mass about 2.31 gram and feather diameter is 6.64 centimeter which this shuttlecock can show terminal velocity in 3.5 meter per second, drag force is 0.022 Newton and drag coefficient is 0.87.

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บุญประเสริฐ ก, สุขเมือง ผ, อุดมสมุทรหิรัญ พ. Educating terminal velocity in event of free falling of shuttlecock in three meter of height by using smart phone. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2020 Jun. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];10(1):75-84. available from:
Physics and Applied Physics


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