Effect of Experimental Activity Package and Mobile Application on Achievements of Upper Secondary Students: Momentum and Collision

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ชลพัชร เพชรพลอยนิล
เกริก ศักดิ์สุภาพ
พงษ์แก้ว อุดมสมุทรหิรัญ


The research aimed 1) to compare the learning achievement in the topic on momentum and collision between pre-test and post-test by using experimental activity package and mobile application 2) to compare the learning achievement in the topic on momentum and collision of students who studied using experimental activity package and mobile application and students who were taught regularly. The samples used 80 tenth-grade students in science and mathematics classroom of a large secondary school in Nakhonsawan. We set to classroom in our study. Firstly, the experimental group, 39 students, were taught experimental activity package and mobile application of momentum and collision. The second classroom, the control group, consisted of 41 students who were taught regularly.

The research instrument used in this study consisted of the experimental activity package and the achievement test on the topic of momentum and collision. The statistics for the data analysis included mean, standard deviation and T-test. We found that the experimental group had higher achievement post-test score more than pre-test score which the achievement average of post-test of the experimental group showed higher scores than of the control group with level of statistical significance 0.05. This result can be concluded that the experimental activity package with mobile application can develop the learning achievement in secondary school classrooms.

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How to Cite
เพชรพลอยนิล ช, ศักดิ์สุภาพ เ, อุดมสมุทรหิรัญ พ. Effect of Experimental Activity Package and Mobile Application on Achievements of Upper Secondary Students: Momentum and Collision. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2020 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];10(1):226-3. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/242920
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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