Comparison of Light Yield for YAG:Ce, LuAG:Ce, and GAGG:Ce Scintillators

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อัคคพงศ์ พันธุ์พฤกษ์
วรนุศย์ ทองพูล
ศราวุธ ใจเย็น
อำพล ใจรักษ์
Hua Shu Hsu


Nowadays, scintillation materials play a major role in gamma-ray and X-ray detections, in particular medical imaging. Good scintillation crystals for this application should have the following properties: high light yield, good energy resolution, high stopping power and fast response time.  The aim of this research is to study the light yield property of three types of the scintillation crystals, namely YAG:Ce, LuAG:Ce, and GAGG:Ce crystals. We take them to couple with the Hamamatsu R6321 photomultiplier tube and stimulate them by 662 keV energy photons from 0.25 mCi Cs-137 gamma-source. We found that the GAGG:Ce crystal shows the highest light yield of 46,100 ph/MeV while the YAG:Ce and the LuAG:Ce crystals show light yield of 32,600 ph/MeV and 18,100 ph/MeV, respectively. The highest light yield of the GAGG:Ce crystal results in it’s the best energy resolution value of 7.00%. While the energy resolution values of the YAG:Ce and the LuAG:Ce crystals are 7.24% and 8.89%, respectively. The peak to Compton ratio values for all crystals is also discussed.

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พันธุ์พฤกษ์ อ, ทองพูล ว, ใจเย็น ศ, ใจรักษ์ อ, Hsu HS. Comparison of Light Yield for YAG:Ce, LuAG:Ce, and GAGG:Ce Scintillators. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2019 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(2):14-22. available from:
Physics and Applied Physics


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