Diversity of Weed for Ethanol Production in Muang District Area, Tak Province

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บุณฑริก รอดบำรุง


The objectives of this research were to survey of weeds distributed in Mueang District, Tak Province, to determine the chemical compositions of weeds including moisture content, ash content, lignin content, hemicellulose content and cellulose content and to determine theoretical ethanol yield. The studies aimed at establishing fundamental information on utilization of weeds for energy purposes. The result revealed that there are 35 weed species in 33 genera and 19 families. Fabaceae was the families with the largest number of weeds in this area (7 species). The chemical compositions analysis of moisture content, ash content, lignin content, hemicellulose content and cellulose content were 4.51-24.18, 4.33-22.22, 4.52-16.94, 4.83-27.05 and 13.41-44.69 %, respectively. The theoretical ethanol yield was 131.99-480.41 litres per ton. The studies also showed that moisture content, ash content, lignin content and hemicellulose content of the majority weeds were low while cellulose content was moderate to high. The results showed that Phragmites vallatoria weeds is suitable and highest potential for ethanol production. It produced highest amount of cellulose content and theoretical ethanol yield (44.69±0.32%, 480.41±0.05 litres per ton), whereas hemicellulose and lignin content are low (21.60±0.30%, 12.75±0.47%).

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How to Cite
รอดบำรุง บ. Diversity of Weed for Ethanol Production in Muang District Area, Tak Province. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(2):107-24. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/242956
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