Pretreatment of corn husks and coconut husks for enhancing yield of reducing sugar

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แก้วกัลยา โสตถิสวัสดิ์
อรสา จันทร์ลือชัย
รัศมี คะมุง


Optimization of pretreatment conditions of corn husks and coconut husks to increase yield of reducing sugar for use as a substrate for bioethanol production were investigated. Main chemical compositions of corn husks and coconut husks showed hemicellulose as the major component of 62.19±0.03 % and 54.61±0.06 %, respectively, followed by cellulose of 34.29±0.03 % and 31.89±0.03 %, respectively. The optimal conditions of corn husks and coconut husks pretreatment resulted in the maximum reducing sugar yields of 94.28±2.58 and 59.65±2.58 g/L, respectively (p<0.05) after pretreatment with diluted acid (1% (v/v) H2SO4) under 121ºC for 90 minute followed by diluted acid pretreatment  with commercial cellulase (Cellic®Ctec 2) condition. The morphology of surface structure was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM image clearly demonstrated the structure arrangement and fibers surface of corn husks and coconut husks were destroyed as a result of the diluted acid pretreatment.

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โสตถิสวัสดิ์ แ, จันทร์ลือชัย อ, คะมุง ร. Pretreatment of corn husks and coconut husks for enhancing yield of reducing sugar. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2019 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(1):1-9. available from:
Biology and Bioresource technology


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