The Production of Motion Graphics to Promote Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Stroke Prevention

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กมลทิพย์ รุ่งประเสริฐ
ณัฐวิภา สินสุวรรณ


The objectives of this research were to: study the process of producing “Stroke” motion graphics; compare knowledge before and after watching “Stroke” motion graphics; compare attitudes toward stroke prevention before and after watching   motion graphics; and study the satisfaction toward “Stroke” motion graphics. Data were collected through the following steps. Firstly, the motion graphics were produced step by step: the information about media elements i.e. images, fonts, colors and narration were studied; and proper elements were then selected by experts. Those selected elements were primarily tested with the experimental group (n=15); and the results were processed to produce 3.31-minute motion graphics. Secondly, the developed motion graphics were evaluated by the sample group. Thirty samples at risk of stroke were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected through a knowledge test, and questionnaires asking about attitudes and satisfaction. Statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired samples t-test. The results indicated that before watching the developed media, the mean score of their knowledge was 5.47 while that of after watching was 9.10. Both were different at a statistically significant level of .05. The mean score of their attitudes toward stroke prevention before watching the motion graphics was at a moderate level of 3.39. After watching the developed media, the mean score was at a strongly positive level of 4.36.  Accordingly, its statistically significant difference was at .05. Finally, the level of their satisfaction toward the developed motion graphics was at the highest level of 4.83.

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How to Cite
รุ่งประเสริฐ ก, สินสุวรรณ ณ. The Production of Motion Graphics to Promote Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Stroke Prevention. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2018 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(2):153-68. available from:
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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