The study of Thai Folk Medicine and Herbal Usage in Bo Ngoen Tambon, Lardlumkaeow District, Pathumthani Province

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กัญญ์ธศยา อัครศิริฐรัตนา
ขนิษฐา มีประดิษฐ์


The study of Thai Folk Medicine and Herbal Usage in Bo Ngoen Tambon, Lardlumkaeow District, Pathumthani Province. The objective was to study and gather Thai traditional medicines and folk healers.  The instrumentation need were 1) A questionnaire (use of herbal plants) 2) Semi-structured interview of folk healers. The results revealed that the majority of the respondents were female comprising 58.72 percent with aged ranging from 51 to 60 years and having elementary education or less. Most of them were agriculturists with 67.60 percent experience in the use of herbs. The reason why they use herbs was because herbs are easy to use. Most knowledge they had about herbs were inherited from their ancestors (54.17%). Moreover, the herbs they used come from the plants they grew at home which totaled to 67.02 percent. They could find 31 types of useful from 21 families. The interview was performed with 15 Thai traditional healers and the treatment included the use of herbal medicines in distillation form. The herbal medicines were made in pills and another treatment of sweeping, spray treatment, post-partum care and treatment rituals.

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How to Cite
อัครศิริฐรัตนา ก, มีประดิษฐ์ ข. The study of Thai Folk Medicine and Herbal Usage in Bo Ngoen Tambon, Lardlumkaeow District, Pathumthani Province. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2018 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];8(1):116-29. available from:
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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