Diversity of Phytoplankton and Water Quality in Mae Suai Reservoir During the Rainy Season

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Tippawan Prasertsin
Sudatip Yavichai
Chawanrak Pingmano


The diversity of phytoplankton along with the water quality in the Mae Suai Reservoir, Chiang Rai province was studied from August to October 2016 (the rainy season). Specimens were collected from sites that were located in four different areas; the inlet area, the outlet area, a community area and the area that is used for agricultural purposes.  A total of 39 genera of phytoplankton consisting of 52 species were obtained from the Mae Suai Reservoir. The dominant species were Cosmarium moniliforme, Staurastrum cf. longibrachiatum, Pseudanabaena sp., Aulacoseira granulata, Frustulia sp. and Peridinium sp. Notably, the dominant species were subject to change each month. The diversity index revealed that the highest values were recorded in October (3.41) and the lowest were recorded in August (3.27). The trophic status was classified as oligo-mesotrophic (September) to mesotrophic status (August and October). The physical and chemical factors affecting dominant phytoplankton species by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that Pseudanabaena sp. and Aulacoseira granulata had positive correlation with conductivity, BOD5, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). Nevertheless, Frustaria sp. had negative correlation to those parameters. Staurastrum cf. longibrachiatum and Cosmarium moniliforme had a negative correlation with DO.

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How to Cite
Prasertsin T, Yavichai S, Pingmano C. Diversity of Phytoplankton and Water Quality in Mae Suai Reservoir During the Rainy Season. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2018 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];8(1):184-99. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/243057
Biology and Bioresource technology


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