Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Flame Retarding Polylactide Biodegradable Composites based on Zinc Borate

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ธัญสุดา ศุภรานนท์
นีรนุช ภู่สันติ
วรศักดิ์ เพชรวโรทัย


Flame retarding polylactide (PLA) biodegradable composites based on zinc borate (ZB) were prepared by a twin screw extruder. The influence of ZB contents (0-20 phr) on mechanical, morphological, thermal, and flame retardant properties of PLA composites was studied. The results indicated significant improvements in impact strength, crystallization behavior, and fire retardant performance of the PLA/ZB composites. The normalized impact strength increased to 197.6% for PLA composite containing 5 phr ZB, which was consistent with EDS/SEM results. The addition of ZB led to a reduction of cold crystallization temperature (Tcc) and an acceleration of PLA crystallization. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) increased from 18% of neat PLA to 23% of PLA/ZB composite; in addition, total flame time significantly decreased from 281 s to lower 25 s with self-extinguishing behavior. These revealed that ZB could be an effective additive for PLA functionalized impact modifier, nucleating agent, and flame retardant.

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ศุภรานนท์ ธ, ภู่สันติ น, เพชรวโรทัย ว. Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Flame Retarding Polylactide Biodegradable Composites based on Zinc Borate. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2017 Oct. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];7(2):98-110. available from:
Pure and Applied Chemistry


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