Possible Solutions of the Diophantine equation x2+ky2=z2

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This paper is to identify the Diophantine equation x2+ky2=z2 where k, x, y and z are integers satisfies; case 1: k=4m+2, has no integer solution if y  is odd, and have integer solutions (x, y, z) is gif.latex?\left&space;(&space;\pm&space;\left&space;(&space;ka-b&space;\right&space;),\pm&space;2\sqrt{ab},\pm&space;\left&space;(&space;ka+b&space;\right&space;)&space;\right&space;)where m is an integer, ab is a square number if y is even, case 2: k=2m+1 , have integer solutions (x, y, z) is gif.latex?\left&space;(&space;\pm&space;\frac{ka-b}{2}&space;,\pm&space;\sqrt{ab},\pm&space;\frac{ka+b}{2}&space;\right&space;)  where m is an integer, ab is an odd square number if y is odd, and gif.latex?\left&space;(&space;\pm&space;\left&space;(&space;ka-b&space;\right&space;),\pm&space;2\sqrt{ab},\pm&space;\left&space;(&space;ka+b&space;\right&space;)&space;\right&space;) where m is an integer, ab is a square number if y is even, case 3: , k=4m have integer solutions (x, y, z) is gif.latex?\left&space;(&space;\pm&space;\left&space;(&space;\frac{k}{4}a-b&space;\right&space;),\pm&space;\sqrt{ab},\pm&space;\left&space;(&space;\frac{k}{4}a+b&space;\right&space;)&space;\right&space;) where m is an integer, ab is a square number,

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How to Cite
Piyanut. Possible Solutions of the Diophantine equation x2+ky2=z2. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2017 Oct. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];7(2):200-5. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/243075
Mathematics and Applied Statistics


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