Using Assessment for Learning for Enhancing Learning Outcomes of 11thGrade Students in Physics Course at Nawamintharachinuthit Satriwitaya 2 School

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สุริยันต์ ลาภเย็น
พรทิพย์ ไชยโส
เอกภูมิ จันทรขันตี


The objective of this study was to enhance learning outcomes of 11th grade students in Physics Course at Nawamintharachinuthit Satriwitaya 2 School by using inquiry learning process with assessment for learning.  The sample group consisted of 34 grade 11 students undertaking a Physics Course during the second semester of the 2016 academic year, were divided into student,s learning achievement levels as follows : 3 students at very high level, 24 students at high level and 7 students at moderate level. The classroom action research used in the study included : (1) Planning – The Researcher analyzed the problem that was found in the classroom  and studied the collected data to develop 14 lesson  plans. (2) Acting – The Researcher taught following the lesson plans. (3) Observing – The Researcher observed the learning behavior to check the cognitive thought  process, science process skills and desired characteristics of the student from the following : the students’ task,  learning recording Form, science process skills assessment Form, desired characteristics observation Form and  a cognitive thought quiz.(4) Reflection was considered by teaching each learning activity to determine the  students have strengths and weaknesses to be used as data for using assessment of learning behavior and in the  development of enhancing learning outcomes for the students later on.

The research results found that assessment of learning enhancing the learning outcomes of 11th Grade Students in the Physics Course for cognitive thought process, science process skills and desired learning characteristics were higher level as student,s learning achievements at very high and high levels were increased as follows : 9 students at very high level and 25 student at high level. This process consisted of following : (1) The criteria determined the collaborative learning assessment between teacher and students before starting the learning  activities and assignment of the student tasks. (2) Using the questions raised during learning activities. These were open-questions to identify the problems, evaluated exploratory ideas, increase comprehension and enhance the performance of student’s learning (3) Self-assessment of a students was proceeded by  comparison of the learning activities at the end of the learning activities and by questions from the self-assessment. (4)  Verbal discussion was undertaken with the students was proceeded at the end of the learning activities using individual, group and class discussion. In conclusion, the teacher gave feedback to the students, task and self-assessment report for improving.

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How to Cite
ลาภเย็น ส, ไชยโส พ, จันทรขันตี เ. Using Assessment for Learning for Enhancing Learning Outcomes of 11thGrade Students in Physics Course at Nawamintharachinuthit Satriwitaya 2 School. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2017 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];7(2):251-62. available from:
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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