LuAG:Ce และ YAG:Ce สำหรับการตรวจวัดรังสีแกมมา Light Yield Non-proportionality and Energy Resolution of LuAG:Ce and YAG:Ce Scintillators for Gamma Ray Detection

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อัคคพงศ์ พันธุ์พฤกษ์
วรนุศย์ ทองพูล
ศราวุธ ใจเย็น


This research was aimed to study of light yield non-proportionality and energy resolution properties for two types of the scintillator namely LuAG:Ce and YAG:Ce crystals. The studied crystals were supplied by two companies in Czech Republic and P.R. China, respectively. At 662 keV gamma ray energy from 137Cs source, the LuAG:Ce crystal shows photoelectron yield of about 4,033 phel/MeV which is more than 3,065 phel/MeV for the YAG:Ce crystal, but the energy resolution of the LuAG:Ce crystal is worse. Over the energy range of 31-1,408 keV, the light yield non-proportionality versus gamma ray energy of both crystals was measured and discussed. The estimated photofraction was reported and compared to the cross-sectional ratio computed using the WinXCom program.

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พันธุ์พฤกษ์ อ, ทองพูล ว, ใจเย็น ศ. LuAG:Ce และ YAG:Ce สำหรับการตรวจวัดรังสีแกมมา Light Yield Non-proportionality and Energy Resolution of LuAG:Ce and YAG:Ce Scintillators for Gamma Ray Detection. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2017 Jun. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];7(1):88-9. available from:
Physics and Applied Physics


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