The Factors Affecting Biogas Usage of Restaurants in Phitsanulok Municipality

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ประพิธาริ์ ธนารักษ์
ว่าที่ร้อยตรีศักย์ชัย เพชรสุวรรณ
ณัฐวุฒิ ขาวสะอาด


This paper presents the study on factors affecting biogas usage of restaurants in Phitsanulok municipality that consists of the knowledge of biogas production, the readiness of the entrepreneurs, the government support and the awareness of energy use. Population and samples were 21 buffet of grill and boil restaurants with limited and unlimited time in Phitsanulok municipality. The collecting data was conducted in December 2015 for 20 restaurants which was a sample size of Krejcie & Morgan. The questionnaire was a research tool with 39 items.  The analysis data was used statistical software by using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that government support was shown a better ability to predict the usage regarding the biogas of restaurants at 2.76 percent at a .05 significance level.

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How to Cite
ธนารักษ์ ป, เพชรสุวรรณ ว, ขาวสะอาด ณ. The Factors Affecting Biogas Usage of Restaurants in Phitsanulok Municipality. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [Internet]. 2017 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 17];7(1):105-14. Available from:
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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