The Development of 3D Supplementary Book using Augmented Reality Technology “Solar System”

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เพชราพรรณ เพชราเวช
ชัชวิน นามมั่น


The purpose of this research was to apply Augmented Reality Technology in the development of 3D supplementary book on topic of “Solar System” using on android platform. It was developed by using Unity and Vuforia. The 3D supplement book was evaluated in term of content and usage by 5 teachers and 30 students from Ban Na Jan School and Ban Som Poi School in Mukdahan Province. The result showed that the average of teachers’ satisfaction in contents evaluation was 4.35 which is the very good level and the average of teachers’ satisfaction in usage evaluation was 4.53 which is the best level. The average of students’ satisfaction in contents evaluation was 4.24 which is the very good level and the average of students’ satisfaction in usage evaluation was 4.08 which is the very good level. It can be concluded that the overall of users’ satisfaction was very good and this 3D supplementary book can be beneficial for further applications.

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เพชราเวช เ, นามมั่น ช. The Development of 3D Supplementary Book using Augmented Reality Technology “Solar System” . Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Nov. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];6(2):48-57. available from:
Information and Communications Technology


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