Factors and Process Influencing Benefit Realization from IT in Organizations

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นงลักษณ์ พรมทอง
นลินภัสร์ ปรวัฒน์ปรียกร
กาญจนา วิริยะพันธ์
อรรฆรัตน์ บุญยะผลานันท์


Information technology has been widely used to support organizational working. A majority of users expect to perceive benefits from using IT. There are lots of factors, and processes that very importance for benefits realization from IT in organization. Therefore, this paper explored factors, and processes influence impacting benefits realization. Data were collected from online questionnaires, and in-depth interviews the managers and analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and qualitative analysis.  The results show that there are 18 influential factors impacting benefit realization in organizations which can be categorized into three groups which consist of the individual group containing 4 factors, the management group containing 11 factors, and the data group containing 3 factors. All of the 18 factors give the mean value of 3.55, correlation coefficient (R) of 0.829, and adjusted coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.647.  This means all of the factors yielded the effect on the utilization of organizational information technology and benefit realization at 67.40 percent. The results of the analysis 4 groups of 17 processes, the majority of respondents agreed that has been implemented of processes for the duration of 7-9 months and 4-6 months, the problems and hurdles that occurred with the mean value of 2.99. The analytical results from in-depth interviews of factors, process, and the problems and hurdles are consistent with data from the questionnaires. Thus, the results of research, it is appropriate to be used to creating a conceptual framework to the benefits realization for the use of information technology in the enterprise.

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พรมทอง น, ปรวัฒน์ปรียกร น, วิริยะพันธ์ ก, บุญยะผลานันท์ อ. Factors and Process Influencing Benefit Realization from IT in Organizations. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 6];6(2):84-101. Available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/243143
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