Kombucha Production by Combinations of Black Tea and Apple Juice

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Ruamporn Liamkaew
Janjira Chattrawanit
Paiboon Danvirutai


This work aims to study the use of apple juice combined with black tea to produce Kombucha beverage, a tea-fermented beverage (AT-Kombucha) and to access its chemical and microbiological quality for food safety.  After fermentation, AT-Kombucha was pasteurized and then filter sterilized. Predominant chemical compounds and microbial detection in AT Kombucha were analyzed. The results demonstrated that using apple juice as the culture substrate together with black tea to ferment AT Kombucha improved total phenols content. For the food safety view point, there was no foodborne pathogens detected followed the Notification of Thai Ministry of Public Health No. 356 (2013) for beverages in sealed container. Thus, the methods of fermentation and sterilization used in this study were proved to safe from biological hazard. In addition, there is a potential for commercial production of AT-Kombucha using the method and equipments in this study.  In Thailand beverage market, there is no Kombucha product which fermented using fruit juice combined with black tea for increasing flavor and health-promoting.

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How to Cite
Liamkaew R, Chattrawanit J, Danvirutai P. Kombucha Production by Combinations of Black Tea and Apple Juice . Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];6(2):139-46. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/243146
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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