Improvement of Aroma and Flavor in Fish Sauce by Bacterial Enzyme

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อรวรรณ พึ่งคำ
ณัฐชรัฐ แพกุล
อดิสรณ์ ดีเปรมจิต
อนันต์ บุญปาน


Improvement of aroma and flavor in fish sauce by application of halophilic 5´- phosphodiesterase (5´- PDE) from Bacillus pumilus AB 005 and lipase from Halobacterium salinarium PB 3233  into fish sauce fermentation showed that increasing of halophilic enzymes caused increase of guanosine 5´- monophosphate (5´- GMP) and volatile fatty acids (VFAs).   5´- GMP and VFAs produced from halophilic enzymes will give a better aroma and flavor in fish sauce. The optimum halophilic 5´- PDE and lipase concentrations that applied to fish sauce fermentation were 1.5% (w/w) and 1.0% (w/w), respectively. In addition, the fermentation of fish sauce by application of halophilic 5´- PDE (1.5%) and halophilic lipase (1.0%) were studied. The results showed that halophilic enzymes added fish sauce contained significantly higher 5´- GMP and VFAs contents compared to fish sauce without enzymes added. This indicates that application of halophilic enzymes to fish sauce fermentation could be improve aroma and flavor qualities in fish sauce.

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พึ่งคำ อ, แพกุล ณ, ดีเปรมจิต อ, บุญปาน อ. Improvement of Aroma and Flavor in Fish Sauce by Bacterial Enzyme. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];6(2):147-56. available from:
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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