Production of pineapple peel handicraft paper from canned fruit industrial factory

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สุจยา ฤทธิศร
รัมภา จุฑะกนก
จันทิมา ฑีฆะ


The process of canned pineapple production generates a lot of pineapple peel, an organic waste that causes many pollution, for example, water pollution and air pollution. It is also a breeding ground of disease vectors. Paper production from pineapple peel is a good alternative way not only to reduce the amount of organic waste but also increase the pineapple peel value. In this research, we focused on the production of handicraft paper from pineapple peel in which the meat are completely extracted from the peel. The pineapple’s fiber production was prepared by boiling with sodium hydroxide at 0, 10, 15 and 20 percent of the fiber weight. The results showed that the minimum Kappa number was obtained from 20% (w/w) of sodium hydroxide . The bleaching process of fiber was tested with hydrogen peroxide at 0, 10 and 20 percent of the fiber weight. The results showed that the minimum Kappa number was also achieved at 20% (w/w) of hydrogen peroxide. The study on toughness and physical properties of the paper found that sodium hydroxide at 20 percent of the fiber weight and hydrogen peroxide at 10 percent of the fiber weight were suitable for paper production from pineapple peel.

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ฤทธิศร ส, จุฑะกนก ร, ฑีฆะ จ. Production of pineapple peel handicraft paper from canned fruit industrial factory. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];6(1):39-47. available from:
Biology and Bioresource technology


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