Application of Chitosan and Rice Straw Extract to Inhibit Growth of Microcystis spp. in Experimental Ponds

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ณัฐพล ชาวสวน
สุทธวรรณ สุพรรณ
สิริแข พงษ์สวัสดิ์


This research focuses on the elimination of algal Microcystis spp. using chitosan and rice straw extract together. These compounds can inhibit the growth of algal species. It is safe when applied and does not cause any adverse effects on the environment. Two experiment ponds were used in this study.  The first experiment pond studied non-concentrations of chitosan and rice straw extract. The second experiment pond studied chitosan and rice straw extract at ratio 3:1. Samples were analyzed algal cell and water quality. The result showed that algal cells of Microcystis spp. were reduced by 75.89 %. Considering the quality of surface water showed that  Dissolved Oxygen was increased 1.7 mg/l. Biochemical Oxygen Demand was increased up to 0.2 mg/l. Total Dissolved Solids was reduced 39.1%. The levels did not exceed the quality standards for surface water. Three types of nutrients namely ammonia-nitrogen was decreased 74.39%. Orthophosphate was decreased 35.4%.  Nitrate-nitrogen was decreased 36.82%. The difference among the experiment’s datas were statistically significant (p<0.05.).

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How to Cite
ชาวสวน ณ, สุพรรณ ส, พงษ์สวัสดิ์ ส. Application of Chitosan and Rice Straw Extract to Inhibit Growth of Microcystis spp. in Experimental Ponds . Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];6(1):58-70. available from:
Biology and Bioresource technology


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