Development of Hybrid Algorithm Model for Students’ Achievement Forecasting

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สุวรรณี ธูปจีน
มณเฑียร รัตนศิริวงศ์วุฒิ
มนต์ชัย เทียนทอง


In this research, development of hybrid algorithm model by combination of causal forecasting methods using genetic algorithm and neural network and fuzzy logic is proposed for students’ achievement forecasting. The students’ learning achievement data set between the years 2013-2015 was used. The author selected 1,320 students’ grade: 660 for training and 660 for testing. From the results, the developed model can predict the most possible values that compare to the real values of both training data and testing data. A fuzzy rules system with 4 rules was generated by hybrid algorithm and had RMSE = 0.024 in the training data. The resulted fuzzy rules system produced RMSE = 0.087 on the testing data.

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ธูปจีน ส, รัตนศิริวงศ์วุฒิ ม, เทียนทอง ม. Development of Hybrid Algorithm Model for Students’ Achievement Forecasting. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];6(1):139-52. available from:
Information and Communications Technology


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