Application of geo-informatics with Morgan-Morgan - Finney for soil erosion rate estimation in mountainous watershed

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คมสัน คีรีวงศ์วัฒนา


In the present study, the revised Morgan-Morgan-Finney (MMF) model coupled with Geo-informatics is used for soil erosion rate estimation in Huai Ban Bo sub-watershed Suanphueng district, Ratchburi province which most of the watershed area are hilly area and continue changes of land use and land cover due to tourist activities and promotion. This study, Landsat 5 TM image of April, 2015 is used for land use and land cover classification. Digital elevation model of SRTM which have resolution of 30 meter is use to derived slope data layers. Soil map from Land Develop Department is used for derived soil related data layers. Average annual rain fall 30 years of Suanphueng station from Meteorological Department is used to derive rain fall related data layers. Therefrom, all prepared data layers is calculate with MMF in GIS environment to estimate annual soil erosion in the watershed.

The results show that, average kinetic energy in the watershed is 1.75 J/m2 (0-4.67 J/m2). The average detachability by raindrop is 1.04 kg/m2 (0 -3.78 kg/m2). Furthermore, there is annual average runoff 222.66 mm. (11.27 -1136.31 mm.), the average detachability by runoff is 0.34 kg/m2 (0 - 27.07 kg/m2). The average annual soil detachability is 1.16 kg/Rai/year (0 - 23.37 kg/Rai/year). The average transport capacity by runoff is 10.25 kg/Rai/year (0-84.89 kg/Rai/year). As compare between average annual soil detachability and average transport capacity by runoff, it was observed that, average annual soil detachment was less than average transport capacity, average annual soil loss of 1.16 kg/Rai/year in Huai Ban Bo sub watershed has been estimated. From soil erosion rate estimated, classify of severity was performed with soil erosion risk class of Land Develop Department. It was observed that, most of the watershed has a very low soil erosion rate which is 71,944.88 Rai (95.72%). There is 2,634.19 Rai (3.50%) has a moderate soil erosion rate and there are 476.44 Rai and 108 Rai (0.63% and 0.14%) are in low and high soil erosion rate respectively.  Most of very low soil erosion rate is forest area and most of the moderate soil erosion rate is agriculture area on gentle slope. It can conclude that, changes form forest to agriculture on a slope area can cause increase of soil erosion rate.

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คีรีวงศ์วัฒนา ค. Application of geo-informatics with Morgan-Morgan - Finney for soil erosion rate estimation in mountainous watershed. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2016 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];6(1):199-211. available from:
Miscellaneous (Applied Science)


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