Development of photoelectrocatalysis techniques for phenolic compound degradation under solar light

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ธวัชชัย จุฑามาศ
ฉัตรชัย พลเชี่ยว


This research, photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) was developed for phenolic compound degradation using FTO/WO3/BiVO4 electrode. Cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) was selected as the phenolic compound for studying with photoelectrocatic property and the degradation process. The photoelectrocalytic properties were studied by cyclic voltammetry under visible light irradiation. The decreased amount of the CHP was determined by a UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Potential and power of light source given to the system were studied for the optimization and the mechanism of the CHP degradation process. Moreover, a COD value was studied in order to confirm the conversion of all organic compounds in the system. The optimal condition found that the PEC technique could eliminate CHP compound which can be released into the water. This indicated that the developed technique represented high efficiency for the removal of phenolic compound which is suitable for water treatment systems.

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จุฑามาศ ธ, พลเชี่ยว ฉ. Development of photoelectrocatalysis techniques for phenolic compound degradation under solar light. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2015 Jun. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];5(1):1-8. available from:
Pure and Applied Chemistry


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