Development of hydrogen peroxide biosensor for detection of hydrogen peroxide concentration in milk

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กิตติยาภรณ์ จุลมาสดิลก
สมพร มูลมั่งมี
เนตรนภิส แก้วช่วย
ศิริวรรณ ตี้ภู่


An analytical method was developed for detection of hydrogen peroxide concentration in milk using biosensor technique. Peroxidase enzyme and a spectrophotometer were used as biological sensing element and detector, respectively. The principle of this method is based on the oxidation reaction of hydrogen peroxide by peroxidase enzyme. The oxidation reaction of hydrogen peroxide and o-dianisidine were catalyzed by peroxidase enzyme, which results in brown solution. Under acidic condition, the color of solution turns from brown to pink. The absorptions were detected with spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 540 nm. The results were found that the absorbance were proportional to the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Under optimum conditions, the calibration curves were linear in the range of concentrations 0.4-3.0 ppm with the analysis time of 5 min. The advantages of a developed biosensor were simple, short analysis time, high sensitivity and accuracy method.

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จุลมาสดิลก ก, มูลมั่งมี ส, แก้วช่วย เ, ตี้ภู่ ศ. Development of hydrogen peroxide biosensor for detection of hydrogen peroxide concentration in milk. Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2015 Jun. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];5(1):22-31. available from:
Pure and Applied Chemistry


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