Effect of Bio-Liquid Fertilizer from Saltpan Residual on the Gamma-Oryzanol Content of Germinated Brown Rice (Thai Pigmented Rice)

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Thitaya Sornkhwan
Chakorn Chinvongamorn
Sompong Sansenya


gif.latex?\gamma-Oryzanol has been identified from rice grains. The gif.latex?\gamma-oryzanol accumulation had affected by genotype and environmental factors. Salinity conditions had affected the growth and bioactive compounds in rice. Saltpan residual is the mix of microbiome, algae, and salt produced from the saline harvest period. In this study, we produced the Bio-liquid fertilizer from saltpan residual. The gif.latex?\gamma-oryzanol content of Thai pigmented rice cultivars treated and un-treated with Bio-liquid fertilizer was investigated.  The results reveal that the black and purple pigmented rice cultivars have higher content than red rice cultivars. The highest gif.latex?\gamma-oryzanol was obtained from Khao Hom Mali-Nin (black rice) with 475.03 ± 13.96 µg/g. Germination times had affected the g-oryzanol content of germinated pigmented rice but variable depending on the rice cultivars. The pigmented rice seeds were treated with Bio-liquid fertilizer and the germination times were 12 to 24 h for Khao RiceBerry, 12 to 36 h for Khao Mali-Komen Surin and 48 h for Khao Hom Mali-Nin had affected the gif.latex?\gamma-oryzanol content higher than the rice seeds un-treated with Bio-liquid fertilizer. The results indicate that the potential of Bio-liquid fertilizer from saltpan residual can be used for application in the fertilizer industry and for enhancing the bioactive compound in rice grains.

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How to Cite
Sornkhwan T, Chinvongamorn C, Sansenya S. Effect of Bio-Liquid Fertilizer from Saltpan Residual on the Gamma-Oryzanol Content of Germinated Brown Rice (Thai Pigmented Rice). Prog Appl Sci Tech. [internet]. 2022 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];12(2):6-13. available from: https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/past/article/view/247144
Pure and Applied Chemistry


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