Inventory, Quality management, Basic computer programing, SWOT analysis, Fish-bone diagramAbstract
The research was conducted by applying quality management techniques to develop a system of inventory management in a restaurant. These techniques meet customers’ needs and help a business to manage more efficiently. In this case study, SWOT Analysis and applying tools for quality management, namely a Fish-Bone Diagram and raw material inventory management, are used. Also, in this research, a basic computer program was developed to increase capability to operate more conveniently and quickly. The results revealed that the business owners could perceive the strategies to prepare their organization’s readiness from SWOT analysis. They could also recognize the main problems, as well as their causes, in their business management by having a brainstorming session with all of their staff, and they could acknowledge the main activities and the supporting activities that affect overall business profits. The research results can be concluded that the development of a basic computer program could help reduce the costs of purchasing and storing raw materials since the restaurants could predict the purchase and the storage more precisely. Additionally, the program could assist the owners to receive a quicker operation and real-time information that helps meet customers’ needs on the menus accurately.
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