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Main manuscript 
      The main manuscript will be sent to reviewers and will not show the names and addresses of the author(s). It will be composed of the following.
      1. Title
           1.1 The length of the title should not exceed 250 characters.
           1.2 A title should be written in sentence case with only the first word of the text, proper nouns, and genus names being capitalized.
           1.3 Avoid any abbreviations if possible.
           1.4 The title should address whether the submission is for systematic review, meta-analysis, or clinical trial.
      2. Author names
           2.1 First names (or first initials) in combination with full middle names
           2.2 Middle names (or initials, if used)
           2.3 Last names (surnames, family names)
      3. Affiliations(indication of multiple affiliations or current addresses where appropriate)
           3.1 Department, Faculty, University, or organizational affiliation
           3.2 Location: city, state/province (if applicable), postcode
           3.3 Country
      4. Corresponding author
           4.1 Full name
           4.2 Affiliation
           4.3 Telephone number, Fax number (if applicable)
           4.4 E-mail address
      5. Abstracts
          The abstract of your manuscript should consist of a single paragraph containing no more than 250 words. It should provide a self-contained and concise research summary, including the rationale, methodology, results, and conclusions. Uncommon abbreviations should be spelled out when first used. We highly recommend that authors structure their abstracts according to the following format without using explicit headings:
                 1. Background: Situate the research question within a broader context and emphasize the study's purpose.
                 2. Methods: Briefly describe the main methods or treatments employed in the study.
                 3. Results: Summarize the primary findings of the article.
                 4. Conclusions: State the main findings or interpretations derived from the research.
                 By following this structured abstract style, readers can quickly grasp the key aspects of your study concisely and organized.
      6. Keywords
           List 3-5 pertinent keywords specific to the article yet reasonably common within the subject discipline. Keywords (3-5 words) must be listed below the abstract.
      7. Introduction
           The introduction section of your manuscript should provide a concise overview of the study, placing it within a broader context and emphasizing its importance. Clearly define the purpose of the work and its significance, outlining the gaps or limitations in the existing research field. It is important to conduct a thorough review of relevant literature, citing critical publications contributing to understanding the topic. When necessary, highlight any controversial or diverging hypotheses that exist. Finally, briefly state the main aim of the study. In-text references should be numbered in order of appearance and indicated by numerals in square brackets (e.g., [1] or [2,3], or [4–6]). Please refer to the end of the document for specific instructions on formatting and citing references.
      8. Materials and Methods
          The materials and methods section of your manuscript should provide a comprehensive description that enables other researchers to replicate and expand upon the published results. It is important to note that submitting your manuscript for publication makes all materials, data, computer code, and protocols associated with the study available to readers. If there are any restrictions on the availability of materials or information, please disclose them at the submission stage. Provide detailed descriptions for new methods and protocols, while well-established methods can be briefly summarized and appropriately referenced.
                    For interventional studies involving animals or humans and other studies requiring ethical approval, it is necessary to specify the authority that granted permission and provide the corresponding ethical approval code. This ensures transparency and demonstrates compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations.
          8.1 Materials and methods subsection
                 8.1.1. Materials and methods subsubsection
      9. Results and Discussion
          The Results and Discussion section may be organized into subheadings for clarity. It should present a concise and accurate description of the experimental results, their interpretation, and the conclusions that can be drawn from them. Authors should analyze and discuss the results of previous studies and the working hypotheses. The implications of the findings should be discussed in a broader context, considering their significance and potential applications. Additionally, authors may outline future research directions that can build upon the current study.
            9.1. Subsection
                    9.1.1. Subsubsection
      10. Conclusion
             In conclusion, this study reaffirms the hypothesis and highlights the key findings. The significant contributions to existing knowledge have been summarized, along with acknowledging the limitations of the research. The implications of the findings have been discussed, shedding light on potential future directions for further investigation. The conclusions are firmly grounded in the original research question and are directly supported by the results. By carefully considering these aspects, this study provides a comprehensive and conclusive understanding of the subject matter.
      11. Formatting of Mathematical Components
            If any mathematical equations are presented, "Microsoft equation editor" or "Math Type" software should be employed.
This is example 1 of an equation:

            The text following an equation need not be a new paragraph. Please punctuate equations as regular text.
This is example 2 of an equation:     


             The text following an equation need not be a new paragraph. Please punctuate equations as regular text.
The text continues here.
      12. Abbreviations
            Abbreviations should be defined upon the first appearance in the text.
      13. Figures and Tables
            All figures and tables should be cited in the main text as Figure 1, Table 1, etc.

   Figure 1. This is a figure. Schemes follow the same formatting.

           1. Figure titles, captions, and information relevant to the figures must be written clearly. Use "Figure 1. XXXX" for the figure title and use "(g. Fig. 1) or "as shown in Figure 1." in the text.
           2. Figure legends should be listed at the end of the manuscript following the Tables.
           3. Figures should be presented in TIFF or JPEG format and each figure should be submitted separately. The file names should be presented as follows: "Figure_1.jpg", Figure_2.jpg".
           4. The arrangement and format of the figures should be presented in the order that they appear in the content of the manuscript.
           5. If figures are presented, a scale or scale bar must accompany them.
           6. The panels of each multi-part figure should be arranged; however, the figure should be published and saved in a single file. Each part should be labeled with an uppercase letter for each figure component (e.g., Fig. 1C) and a single number for the entire figure group.

Table 1. This is a table. Tables should be placed in the main text near the first time they are cited.

1 Table may have a footer.
           1. Tables can be embedded in the main manuscript after the reference to the Table in the text.
           2. Tables should be created using the "Table" function in Microsoft Word. Please do not use Excel to insert tables as figures.
           3. The accepted and preferred file format for Tables is Microsoft Word.
           4. Table captions and contents in the tables must be written clearly.
           5. Numbers and table headings must be placed above the table.
           6. Footnotes must be placed below the table; these may be used to explain abbreviations.
           7. Include units in column and row headings in parentheses.
           8. Tables must fit on a single 21.6 x 28 cm page with 2.5 cm margins.
           9. Vertical table lines should be avoided; horizontal lines should be used to separate topics from content.
      14. Permission to use animals
            If animals were used in the study, permission to use animals for scientific study must be obtained from the Animal Ethics Committee. The committee's organization, the permit's date, and the license number (if available) must be presented under the heading of Materials and Methods.
      15. Reference
            All referenced documents should be in English. If referenced documents are in other languages, the author must translate them into English. References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text (including citations in tables and legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package like EndNote and Reference Manager to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Include the digital object identifier (DOI) for all references where available. Citations and references in the Supplementary Materials are permitted if they appear in the reference list here.
              1. All in-text citations must have corresponding citations in the reference list.
              2. In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ] and placed before the punctuation; for example, [1], [1–3], or [1,3]. For embedded citations in the text with pagination, use both parentheses and brackets to indicate the reference number and page numbers; for example, [5] (p. 100) or [6] (pp. 101–105).
              3. The number system must be employed for in-text citations. For example, "Based on the study of Toyoki [1], it was shown that…" or "… corresponding to the study in canines [2], horse [3] which discovered the level…."
              4. If citing more than two authors, the first author must be cited and followed by et al. For example, "… High level of Oct-4 gene expression was discovered in blastocyst (Nganvongpanit et al. [4])"
              5. The Reference list should be presented in number order.
              6. References by the same author and same year of publication should be cited with a lowercase letter indicating the progression, for example, 2010a, 2010b.
              7. If referenced documents are not in English, they must be translated into English with permission granted by the authors of such documents.
              8. Studies that have been published but are undergoing preparation should be identified as "in the press" at the end of the reference.
              9. Referenced documents in Thai or other languages such as German, Chinese, and Japanese must be translated into English. Their references must be followed by the following phrasing (in Thai, in German, in Chinese, in Japanese) depending on the language of the original documents.
              10. Studies that have not been published cannot be used as references.
              11. Studies that are published online without volume and page numbers must be identified by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
              12. The title abbreviation must be presented in accordance with Title Word Abbreviations: (
              13. Using the American Chemical Society (ACS) referencing style:
              14. Sample references are listed below.

Journal Article
[1] Edwards, A. A.; Steacy, L. M.; Siegelman, N.; Rigobon, V. M.; Kearns, D. M.; Rueckl, J. G.; Compton, D. L.  Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development:  Examining word and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology. 2022, 114(6), 1242–  1256.

[2] Smith, F. W., & Rossit, S.  Identifying and detecting facial expressions of emotion in peripheral vision. PLoS ONE. 2018, 13(5), Article e0197160.

[3] Tongkamsi, S., Singasa, K., Tubtim, T., Nakbubpa, K., Chansilpa, T., Kayee, S. Effects of storage time at 32.5 oC on amount of Bacillus cereus in UHT milk for school in Chonburi province. Chiang Mai Vet. J. 2015, 13, 1– 6. (In Thai)

Online Magazine Article
[1] Thomson, J. (2022, September 8). Massive, strange white structures appear on Utah's Great Salt Lake. Newsweek.

Print Magazine Article
[1] Nicholl, K. (2020, May). A royal spark. Vanity Fair. 2020, 62(5), 56–65, 100.

Online Newspaper Article
[1] Roberts, S. (2020, April 9). Early string ties us to Neanderthals. The New York Times.

Print Newspaper Article
[1] Reynolds, G. (2019, April 9). Different strokes for athletic hearts. The New York Times, D4

Authored Book
[1] Kaufman, K. A.; Glass, C. R.; Pineau, T. R.  Mindful sport performance enhancement: Mental training for athletes and coaches. American Psychological Association. 2018.

Edited Book Chapter
[1] Zeleke, W. A.; Hughes, T. L.; Drozda, N.  Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association. 2020.

Conference Session
[1] Davidson, R. J. (2019, August 8–11). Well-being is a skill [Conference session]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

Dissertation From a Database
[1] Horvath-Plyman, M. (2018). Social media and the college student journey: An examination of how social media use impacts social capital and affects college choice, access, and transition (Publication No. 10937367). [Doctoral dissertation, New York University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
     15. Acknowledgments
           The acknowledgment section should not be used to acknowledge funders, as funding information will be entered separately. However, as a courtesy, we recommend informing anyone you acknowledge in this section.
     16. Author Contributions
           For research articles with multiple authors, please provide a short paragraph outlining each author's contributions using the following statements:
           1.   Conceptualization: X.X. and Y.Y.
           2.   Methodology: X.X.
           3.   Software: X.X.
           4.   Validation: X.X., Y.Y., and Z.Z.
           5.   Formal analysis: X.X.
           6.   Investigation: X.X.
           7.   Resources: X.X.
           8.   Data curation: X.X.
           9.   Writing—original draft preparation: X.X.
           10. Writing—review and editing: X.X.
           11. Visualization: X.X.
           12. Supervision: X.X.
           13. Project administration: X.X.
           14. Funding acquisition: Y.Y.
           Additionally, please state: "All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript." To understand the meaning of these terms, please refer to the CRediT taxonomy. It is important to ensure that authorship is limited to individuals who have contributed substantially to the work reported.
      17. Funding
            Please ensure to include the following statements in your manuscript:
            1. "This research received no external funding."
            2. "This research was funded by [Name of Funder], grant number [Grant Number]."
            3. "The Article Processing Charges (APC) were funded by [Funding Source]."
            Please double-check the accuracy of the details and use the standard spelling of funding agency names. You can refer to the list of funding agencies at It is crucial to ensure the correctness of this information, as any errors may impact on your future funding opportunities.
      18. Conflicts of Interest
            Conflicts of interest must be declared by the authors in the ASEAN Journal of Scientific and Technological Reports (AJSTR). Authors must disclose any personal circumstances or interests that could influence the representation or interpretation of the reported research results. In the manuscript, authors should explicitly state any conflicts of interest or declare "The authors declare no conflict of interest" if applicable. It is also necessary to acknowledge the role of funders in the study's design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, manuscript writing, or decision to publish.
             If the funders were not involved, please state, "The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results" to ensure transparency and accountability.
      19. Plagiarism
            Plagiarized content will not be tolerated or considered for publication in the ASEAN Journal of Scientific and Technological Reports (AJSTR). We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and originality. The manuscript will be rejected if plagiarism is detected during the peer review process. Similarly, if plagiarism is identified after publication, appropriate action will be taken, such as correcting or retracting the paper. In cases of plagiarism, we reserve the right to notify the authors' institutions about the misconduct, whether it is discovered before or after publication. To ensure the authenticity and originality of submitted manuscripts, AJSTR utilizes Turnitin, a reputable plagiarism detection software. While we do not screen every submission, many manuscripts are randomly selected for screening. A thorough investigation will be conducted if the software raises any concerns regarding potential plagiarism (e.g., similarity exceeding 30%).
             We urge all editors and reviewers involved in the journal to remain vigilant and carefully evaluate submissions for any signs of plagiarism. We strongly encourage them to notify the journal promptly if plagiarism is suspected. AJSTR is committed to maintaining the trust of our readers and the academic community by maintaining a rigorous and uncompromising stance against plagiarism.
             Supporting materials
             Supporting materials play an essential role in enhancing the transparency and reproducibility of research. Authors are encouraged to provide supplementary materials alongside their manuscripts to support and enhance the understanding of their work. These materials can include, but are not limited to, data sets, code, additional figures or tables, videos, or any other relevant information contributing to the reader's comprehension of the research.
             When submitting supporting materials, authors should ensure that they are well-organized, properly labeled, and linked to the main manuscript. Detailed instructions on how to access and interpret the supplementary materials should be provided in the manuscript itself.
              The AJSTR journal accepts a wide range of file formats for supporting materials, including but not limited to PDF, Excel, Word, JPEG, and MP4. Large files or datasets that exceed the submission system's file size limit can be uploaded to external repositories or shared via appropriate data-sharing platforms with the necessary access links provided in the manuscript.
               Authors should clearly state in the manuscript the availability and location of the supporting materials, including any access restrictions or embargoes. It is important to ensure that all supporting materials are properly cited and referenced within the main manuscript to maintain a clear connection between the research and its supplementary content.
               By providing supporting materials, authors contribute to the scientific community's ability to replicate, validate, and build upon their research, fostering transparency and advancing scientific knowledge.

Editorial office
ASEAN Journal of Scientific and Technological Reports (AJSTR)
Institute of Research and Innovation, Thaksin University, Phatthalung Campus
222 Moo. 2, Baan Prao Sub-District, Papayom District, Phatthalung 93210, Thailand
Tel. +66 7460 9600 Ext. 7242, +668 1540 7304 

Principal Contact
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sompong O-Thong
Mahidol University
Tel. +669 4914 9923

Support Contact
Miss Kanyanat Liadrak
Institute of Research and Innovation, Thaksin University, Phatthalung Campus
222 Moo. 2, Baan Prao Sub-District, Papayom District, Phatthalung 93210, Thailand
Tel. +66 7460 9600 Ext. 7242, +668 1540 7304 