Satisfaction Test of Borneo Camphor Liquid Inhaler from Essential Oil of Amomum biflorum Jack
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The aim of the study was to formulate borneo camphor liquid inhaler from essential oil of Amomum
biflorum Jack. Three formulas were prepared and used for the assessment of satisfaction of 99 volunteers. The composition of the essential oils of the 3 formulas A, B and C had a concentration of 1 % , 5 % and 3 % ,
respectively. It was observed that formula A and C had the overall satisfaction score and the scores were
statistically significant when compared to the scores obtained for formula B at the 95 % confidence level.
Therefore, formula C was selected for the evaluation of product stability. Testing of physical stability
parameters of color, odor and pH were performed under 3 conditions namely; 24 hours at temperatures of
25°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C; Freeze-thaw stability condition and short-term temperature stability condition at
day 90. The results indicated there were no changes. The products (freshly prepared at day 0; after freezethaw stability test and after short-term temperature stability test) were subjected to GC-MS analysis in order to determine the chemical components. Furthermore, the results from the GC-MS analysis indicated that first five major chemical components contained in all the three products were Menthol (44.10-49.27 %), Camphor (31.96-35.16 %), trans-p-(1-butenyl)-anisole (5.14-6.76 %), Borneol (5.72-5.90 %) and Isoborneol (3.24-3.67 %)
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