Development of the Preparation Methods for Qualified Cassumunar Ginger Powder Based on Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia Standards

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Thawatchai Srisuwan


For the development preparation methods for qualified cassumunar ginger powder (Zingiber
cassumunar Roxb.) based on Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia, fresh cassumunar ginger rhizome was
divided into 3 groups with a total of 5 treatments. The first group was sterilized by steam at 121°C or
115°C for 15 minutes. The second group was soaked into potassium permanganate solution (KMnO4)
at a concentration of 100 ppm or 200 ppm for 15 minutes. The third group was the untreated control
group which was untreated. The results showed that the steam sterilization of the rhizomes at 121°C
for 15 minutes passed all the standards of Thai Herbal Pharmacopoeia, while the other 4 treatments
had microbial contamination. The components in volatile oil were determined by GC-MS. The ratio
of components contents in volatile oil which was sterilized at 121 °C for 15 minutes in the treatmen
sample were different from that of the control group. It was consisted of Triquinacene, 1,4-bis (methoxy)
(48.86%), Terpinene-4-ol (8.49%), Sabinene (6.94%), 2-Allyl-1,4-dimethoxy-3-methyl-benzene
(6.12%) and β-Sesquiphellandrene (6.09%). The percentage of the relative peak area of major components
in the steam sterilization of the rhizomes at 121°C for 15 minutes treatment sample was
lower than that of the control group. However, steam sterilization of the rhizomes at 121°C for 15
minutes was a suitable preparation method for qualified cassumunar ginger powder.

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Research Articles


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