Design and Development of Saline Infusion Administration System Using IoT
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According to the current deficiency of medical personnel due to many COVID-19 patients today, the workload of nurses and caregivers increases. One of the costliest tasks for healthcare professionals is monitoring and controlling the administration of saline solutions to bedridden patients. This research aims to develop a monitoring and regulating system to conduct the saline solution to patients using IoT technology. The Arduino UNO R3 and Node MCU ESP8266 microcontroller board are used as a processor to receive the saline weight input from the load cell and control the saline flow rate by the servo motor arm. The developed system can also be remotely monitored and controlled online via Wi-Fi, Internet, and cloud computing with mobile and web applications developed by Flutter. From the results of trying that determine the saline flow rate with different periods, it was found that the system was able to control the flow rate for the specified time with a total meantime accuracy of 88.47%. It was also found that the accuracy rate would increase if the flow rate were set for a short period, while the accuracy rate would decrease if the flow rate were set for a long time. The experiment revealed that the developed prototype system could monitor, alert, and automatically control the flow rate of saline administration to patients as the specified objectives.
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