Effects of Dietary Protein Levels on the Stage Development and Production Performance of Nile Tilapia
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Lack of understanding in selecting age-appropriate protein levels in the tilapia diet would result in low growth and productivity. Therefore, the effect of dietary protein levels on tilapia development and the productive potential of fry raised in concrete ponds according to the CRD experimental protocol was investigated using three treatments with four replications. Fifteen breeder fish/ponds with a male-to-female ratio of 1:2 were fed with 15.5, 25, and 30% protein for 20 weeks. The water quality was monitored and the fish's mouth was tapped every 2 weeks. The results showed that feeding of 25% protein affected egg development at all stages (Zygote, Cleavage, Gastrula, Segmentation, Pharyngula, Hatching, Early larva, and Late larva) as well as production cost better than other feeds (p<0.05). Breeders fed 30% protein had a higher average weight, specific growth rate, condition factor, and feed efficiency but the lowest feed intake, feed rate, and feed conversion rate (p<0.05). A 25% protein diet provides adequate nutrition for hatching and fries production while keeping the pond water safe for their lives.
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